Will’s Story

Will’s Story

In 2013, Will suffered a subarachnoid haemorrhage and was told by doctors that he would never be able to move the left-hand side of body again. Here he is in 2022 training to complete the Leicester Half Marathon! “I have always been interested in exercising,...
Dave’s Story

Dave’s Story

Dave has been running the Leicester Half Marathon since 2016. He had previously ran for no other reason than a hobby, but this year something changed. Dave’s Dad, Billy, was diagnosed with late stage Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and given just a year to live.  “Having both...
Mandy’s Story

Mandy’s Story

In March 2007, Mandy faced a huge bombshell. Her work colleague, Pete, was diagnosed with terminal bowel cancer. A day earlier, he left work early to go to a doctor’s appointment and the next she was told that he would never return to work. “After years of putting off...
Beth’s Story

Beth’s Story

In April 2006, Beth’s Step-Dad, Archie, became ill, shortly after marrying her Mum. Beth shares her story and experience of LOROS and why she is running Leicester this year. “Initially Archie’s diagnosis was diabetes. He changed his diet and began his medication as...
Polly’s Story

Polly’s Story

Polly’s running journey began in September 2014, after watching the Great North Run and persuading some work colleagues to try the following year. “I was told that none of us could run for a bus let alone a half marathon! So, I started training and the following year...

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