We hope you are all looking forward to what promises to be another fantastic year running through the city streets of Leicester!

The majority of race packs were posted out on Friday 20th September, so if you registered before 9th September yours should be arriving very soon! For those that registered more recently you’ll receive yours roughly one week before the race.

In the meantime all the race information you need to know is now online here:

Final Information For Runners 2019

Entries will remain open until Monday 30th September, with no entries available on the day.

We are also still looking for marshals to help out on the day, if you know someone that is able to help please ask them to get in touch here.

What to do if there’s a problem with your race pack?

If you lose your race pack, moved address, or have an incorrect race number following a transfer or changing race distance then please do not worry. Whilst we are unable to post out replacement packs you can find all the race day information above, and then you’ll be able to swap / collect a replacement race number on the weekend of the event itself during the following times:

Saturday 5th October (10am-2pm)    Find us at the Phoenix Cinema, Leicester, the day before the race for any last minute swaps and enquiries.

Sunday 6th October (from 7am onwards)    Find us at the admin desk on Victoria Park in the event arena and we’ll be able to get you race ready in no time.

If you have any other questions please check out our FAQ or drop us an email to leicestermarathon@gmail.com

We hope your training has gone well and look forward to seeing you all on Sunday 6th October!



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