Hope Against Cancer was founded to address the urgent need to bring cutting-edge cancer research and improved cancer treatments to the East Midlands. The charity funds local cancer research which both enhances and saves lives.

Hope Against Cancer’s commitment to discovering new cancer treatments is through world-class cancer research – we fund PhD students, postgraduates and cancer clinicians as well as projects and critical scientific equipment. The charity delivers to local people through funding support for the Hope Cancer Trials Centre at the Leicester Royal Infirmary. HOPE originally opened the centre in 2012 and funded an expansion in 2021 to meet the growing needs of the patients. The HOPE facility provides the people of the East Midlands with access to innovative clinical trials and potentially ground-breaking drugs and treatments right on their doorstep.

To run Leicester on behalf of Hope Against Cancer, we simply ask that you pledge to raise £100. We will provide a HOPE running top and any support you need.

To register your place on the Run Leicester Half Marathon or 10K, please visit www.hopeagainstcancer.org.uk/hope-events or, for more information, email Martin: martin@hopeagainstcancer.org.uk

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